Gallery Update
Written by Guillaume le Courageux   
Wednesday, 23 August 2006

Just yesterday the Gallery of the Round Table of Bretonnia was updated, in case you noticed some strange behaviour during that time.

It also looks a bit different now and there are some new features, among these are:

  • Category Images: Each category now displays a random image from that category
  • Watermarks: The images are now watermarked with our URL, to prevent image-theft
  • Auto-resizing: Uploaded images are now automatically resized to the may size of 800 x 800 px, if your original images are larger. The larger pictures will be nevertheless displayed, when clicking the image in detailed view. Now you are especially encouraged to combine multiple images of the same miniature to one larger picture. This can be done with every graphics program.
  • Filenames with special chars: These often caused problems when uploaded. If your image contained country-specific characters, people from other locations had problems viewing them. This is no longer the case. To clean up, we will remove all existing problematic files in the next days, so if you notice some pic of you gone, just upload it again and everything is fine


If you notice any strange behaviour, be sure to report it in this thread in the forums