Sir Christoph Tetreaux's rise to Knighthood
Saturday, 25 March 2006

Sir   Christoph   Tetreaux: 

My master was born from a simple country craftsman's family who made bows for the local militia. As a teenager he worked as a page for a knight stationed with the militia in Couronne. Through hard work, he climbed to the rank of squire, and soon after to knight errant.

Bretonnian Lord Tetreaux


By the Duke of Couronne’s orders, he was sent on countless missions, of which one of them was the rescue of citizens in the town of Vlois from a Beastmen raiding party. For this errantry quest, his unit of knights were sent to investigate the disappearance of a merchant train in transit from Fregune to Couronne. The trails of the hated Chaos were soon picked up and lead to the northern parts of the Arden forest, where the Beastmen band had made camp. In pursuit of fame the young errants foolishly charged this camp without making plans first. They fought a courageous and long battle, where many young knights died. But the few who survived did finally manage to rout the Beastmen war band. They released the merchants and escorted them to their home in Vlois, Couronne. When word spread of the accomplishments of these few remaining knights errant, the Duke of Couronne sent for them to be knighted, as their deeds were noble and virtuous. Once my master was granted this title he acquired these lands and castle and was named protector of Vlois in Couronne.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 March 2006 )