New Webring: The Warvault
Written by Guillaume le Courageux   
Wednesday, 23 November 2005

We just joined a new webring and voting service, the Warvault!

Quote off their site: 

"Warvault isn’t just a webring; we are not just a collection of banners, a mesh of informality. We aim to bring more personal information, detailed reviews, interviews with admin teams, everything a person could need when it comes to finding the right forum for them. The word database has been tossed around throughout the existence of this project, and it is without any hesitation that I use that word to describe our aims. A database of the finest gaming sites on the internet; the ones with the best news, the closest community, the best distribution of grammar and knowledge. Until every site that fits that criteria is mentioned here, Warvault will be incomplete. "


It's a very new and fast-growing database of sites. To support the Round Table of Bretonnia at the list there, please vote for us using the new small banner at the left module or this link.

At our site overview page there, every user can leave comments and rate our great community. Please do so, to show the (Wargaming-) world what you like (or dislike) here at the Round Table! And all in all, more knights or visitors from other realms will arrive and join our community!

Don't forget, though, to support us at the other lists as well - and at least the the Librarium Online ("LO")-Toplist, you can also rate and comment the site.