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Colossal Clash in Quenelles PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Chretien   
Saturday, 13 January 2007


A string of corrupted Emperial Captains along the borderlands separating Bretonnia from its neighbours in the Empire were offered heaps of plunder too great for any being of their species to resist, and thus they turned a blind eye and permitted the invading Chaos horde to pass safely along the Grey Mountains from the north-eastern ranges near Marienburg, southwards to the Axe Bite Pass. From there they brushed aside the futile response of the startled border guards in Parravon and penetrated into Quenelles a full two days' march before the Bretonnians were amassed in sufficient strength to challenge the invaders.


And thus a battle of unprecedented proportions was joined...


Colossal Clash in Quenelles


The Table

The gaming table measured 6 feet x 6 feet, which equalled 36 square feet of battle space!


Both armies were given a 12-inch deep deployment zone along the entire length of their side of the table. A 24-inch swathe of barren, terrain-less space ran down the centre of the table separating the two combatant sides, as per 7th Edition rules.


Rules of the Game

We abided by the new rules (7th Edition) for the entire game. When in doubt we contacted the GW support line. The game was to last either until 6 Rounds were completed or until midnight, whichever came first.


Game Objective

There was only one true, key objective, and that was to obtain as many Victory Points as possible. Points were accumulated by summing up the total value of each enemy model killed. Enemy models and units who fled as a result of Panic / Break / Psychology tests off of the table and were destroyed at the tables' edge counted, too. However, the enemy was not awarded points for casualties resulting from Misfires or Miscasts.



The Armies


Chaos Horde with the Mark of Khorne:

1 Chaos Lord of Khorne- mounted on a Juggernaut, armed with the "Gaze of the Gods", the "Berserker Sword", and the "Armour of Damnation" (CL)

1 Bloodthirster (BT)

1 HellCannon (HC)

10 Chosen Knights of Khorne with the "Flesh Banner" (ChK)

10 Chaos Knights with Mark of Khorne (CK1)

10 Chaos Knights with Mark of Khorne (CK2)

12 Chaos Warriors with Mark of Khorne (CW1)

12 Chaos Warriors with mark of Khorne and the "Rage Banner" (CW2)


Casting Pool: (?)

Dispel Pool: (?)

Models in Army: 57




Duke of Quenelles

1 Bretonnian Lord (Duke of Quenelles) - on a Warhorse, with the Grail Vow, armed with a lance, shield, heavy armour, the "Token of the Damsel", "Gomril Great Helm", and the "Birthsword of Carcassone" (*deployed in Grail Knight unit)

1 Paladin Battle Standard Bearer- on a Warhorse, Knightly Vow, and "Holy Icon" (*deployed in the Questing Knight unit)

1 Paladin - on a Warhorse, with the Knightly Vow, armed with a lance, shield, heavy armour, and a Morningstar (*deployed in the Grail Knight unit)

1 Paladin - on a Royal Pegasus, with the Knightly Vow, armed with a lance, heavy armour, shield and the "Biting Blade" (*deployed in the Pegasus Knight unit)

1 Damsel of the Lady - on a Warhorse with Barding, Level 2, and armed with 2 Dispell Scrolls (*deployed in KoR3)

1 Damsel of the Lady - on a Warhorse with Barding, Level 2, armed with a Dispell Scroll and the "Chalice of Malfleur" (*deployed in KoR4)

The Green Knight (Green)

9 Knights of the Realm - barding, Full Command (KoR1)

9 Knights of the Realm - barding, Full Command (KoR2)

8 Knights of the Realm - barding, Full Command (KoR3)

8 Knights of the Realm - barding, Full Command (KoR4)

5 Pegasus Knights - Full Command,  heavy armour, shield (PK)

12 Questing Knights - Full Command, and the "War Banner" (QK)

12 Grail Knights - Full Command, and the "Banner of Defense" (GK)

1 Trebuchet (T1)

1 Trebuchet (T2)


Casting Pool: 6

Dispel Pool: 4

Models in Army: 79





We rolled this off to see who deployed first, and we preferred to deploy our armies all at once in our turn. As it resulted, the Chaos forces were deployed first, and then the Bretonnians were placed on the field. This was actually more fitting for the game's background anyway (we have been playing the "Storm of Chaos" Campaign and have yet to complete it, with only 1 or 2 Battles left, as his Chaos was victorious in the "Ambush" battle) and it orked well.


The Chaos troops deployed in order from their left to right: ChK+CK1+CK2+CW1+HC+BT+CW2+CL

(The HC was positioned directly behind a small wood with a stone wall on the Bretonnian-side of it, so the HC was well back in relation to the rest of the Chaos line.)


The Bretonnians deployed in order from their left to right:



Bretonnian Strategic Considerations:

One might notice that the only foot troops in the Army were the Trebuchet crews - there's a reason for that. In addition to my utter contempt for basically all nopn-Knightly Bretonnian models, I also intended to give my opponent a memorable taste of true Bretonnian steel at high speed. Thus, I selected Knight models as much as possible to give me the agility and speed I would need and the best possible Armour Saves and "staying power" I could get. I also hoped that strong, large units would help add to the "staying power".

I was not too afraid of the Chaos Magic Phase, but purchased Dispel scrolls anyways (you never know with these Chaos chaps) and the "Chalice of Malfleur", just in case.

The Grail and Questing Knight units were intended to be used against his Chaos Lord and/or Chosen Knights, but I had no idea what else he was going to bring. So, I opted to take the Green Knight and trusted that his magical attacks, special movement, Armour and Ward Saves, his ability to "pop up" anywhere, and especially his Regeneration and "never-say-die" ability would combine to create a very real and permanent thorn in the Chaos battle plan. Good thing, too, because that BloodThirster is a nasty creature.

The Pegasus Knights were to fly around and creats a threatening distraction, and maybe even draw a few volleys from the HellCannon away from the Grails or Questors, etc. Ideally, I hoped that they would be able to add in a rear or flank charge at some point that might turn the tide in my favour.

The Knights of the Realm units were taken to add a bunch of multiple-model, hard-hitting units with some good durability to the fray. I positioned my 4 units of 8 or 9 Knights directly opposite the enemy's 3 units of 10 Knights each. Even though I may have outnumbered him, I was fully aware of the deadliness of his Chaos Knights. At this point, I had no idea which unit was the unit of Chosen Knights. I placed the Damsels in the two units furthest away from the Chaos Lord, HellCannon and BloodThirster in order to protect them better.

I placed each of the Trebuchets not only well-apart from one another, but also behind their own small patch of forest. This was intended to protect them from any Magic Missile spell attack that might come, and also reduce visibility from enemy charge declarations. In addition, it was hoped that positioned this way I might only lose one at a time should they fall under attack (I had had very little success with the Trebuchet in the past and was not confident either one would do much, but I hoped that perhaps with 2 on the table I could hurt the enemy somehow).

The PK unit was positioned slightly behind KoR1 and just to the right of T1. My intent was to have Green appear in the woods ahead of T1 and thus menace BT and CL. The GK's and QK's were destined to deal with the BT, CL, and the CW2 enemy units - I had never fought the BT before and suspected he might be a handful of pain.



The Clash Commences





Having won the toss and the option to decide who went first, I decided to launch the Bretonnians fully towards their vile foes and moved each unit ahead their full movement, including the Green Knight (who was positioned in the woods on the Bretonnians left) to back up the Lord with his Grail Knights and specifically to deal with the Chaos Lord and/or the BloodThirster. The PK unit swung over to follow in behind / beside the Grail Knights and the Green Knight.



I managed to successfully cast "The Wolf Hunts" on KoR4 for an additional 4 inches of movement down my far right flank (I had no idea but this move really made my opponent nervous, as he was counting on a straight-forward charge, 1-on-1, not with an enemy unit positioned to smash into his flank. He was not willing to change his plan and turn the nearest Chaos unit (ChK) to their left to face KoR4.



Both Trebuchets fired - T1 fired it's chink of reclaimed masonry clear off the table; T2 fired at ChK) and missed.




Another all-out advance across the line - each unit moved (except for the HC). On the Chaos left, the CL and BT moved independently, one positioned on either front flank side of the GK unit.






The HC misfired! (Yay for me!) So, the #4  result he rolled meant he lost a crewman / crewdwarf.





The PK's adjusted only slightly to be better able to pounce. KoR1 advanced and angled to the left of the BT (on it the BT's right). The Green disappeared into the woods from which he had just emerged and re-emerged in the woods between the HC and the BT, ready to deal with the BT. Nearby, KoR1 moved to within the BT's charge range and halted there, hoping to draw the BT to charge it instead of the GK's, which were likely going to be whallopped by the CL and CW2. On the far right, KoR4 advanced and positioned itself now fully perpendicular to and facing the left flank of the ChK's. What a great position to be in! The Knights were drooling in anticipation of the imminent charge. All the other units advanced, though careful to halt outside of the enemy's charge range, but in range to charge into the enemy next turn.



I managed to cast "Hunter's Spear" and "The Wolf Hunts", but both were dispelled.



This was not so good: T1 misfired, roled a "1" and was destroyed; T2 scored a direct hit on the guess but after the scatter dice the stone was sent well off target.




The BT  seized the opportunity and charged into KoR1, while the CL turned and moved to his left to end up on the right and rear of the BT and the left rear of CW2, which was directly in front of the Green Knight a few inches away. In the centre CW1 advanced and wheeled slightly away from the Chaos Knights and towards the BT combat, yet still 16 inches or so away. Each of the mounted Chaos Knight units advanced straight ahead towards their opposing enemy units.






The HellCannon could not be restrained and it charged right into the Green Knight!



The Green Knight, losing 2 Wounds and killing only a single dwarf crewman, lost Combat Resolution by 2, which in turn caused 2 additional Wounds on the Green Knight, and he was destroyed and removed from the table.

Elsewhere, KoR1 lost 3 of its Knights and fled, unable to even wound the BT. Fortunately for them, the BT could not catch them.






Luckily, the KoR1 unit rallied and turned about.

The Green Knight was rolled on again and placed in the woods in front of where T1 had been positioned (again) and advanced towards the Chaos Lord.

This was the Round of opportunity for the Duke of Quenelles and he took advantage of his positioning to deliver the first strike en masse. Across the line the glory of Bretonnian might charged: the Grail Knights slammed into the BloodThirster; the QK's charged into KK1; KoR2 charged KK1; KoR3 charged headlong into the front of the Chosen Knights; and KoR4 charged into the left flank of the Chosen Knights.

The PK's moved to threaten a flank or rear attack on CW2.



Nothing was successfully cast at this time. Drat the Chaos Dispel dice!



A chunk of rock fired from T2 smashed into the stone wall separating the BT from the CL, seemingly as a warning shot of some kind.



In the combat with the BT, the GK's with the Duke and the Battle Standard Bearer struck with 11 Knights and their horses to a combined total of 36 Attacks and caused merely 3 Wounds on the BloodThirster! Curses - the beast still had 1 Wound left! The BT targeted all of its attacks on the Duke and astruck him down in his saddle. Losing Combat Resolution, the BT took a Demonic Instability Test and passed it, intent to finish the fight.

The QK's killed 1 of KK2's number, who turn and flee and are caught and destroyed.

The charge by KoR2 resulted in 2 slain of KK1, but in the reciprocal Chaos attacks, 4 of KK2 are killed. As a result, Kor2 fled, but was destroyed by KK2.

KoR3 and KoR4's attacks killed only 1 Chosen Knight (out of 16 Realm Knight attacks and 14 Warhorse attacks!). Utterly dismal. In response, the Chosen Knights killed 4 Realm Knights in KoR3. Combat Resolution resulted in a draw but, because of the extra Bretonnian Musician, the Chosen Knights lost that combat, but passed their Test and stayed to fight in the next Round.





The Chaos Lord charged into the long, exposed laft flank of the GK's.

The pursuing KK1 turned around to face towards the table centre and advanced as far as it could.

CW1 and CW2 advanced only 4 inches ahead, as they were march-blocked.






The HC misfired once more and it lost its last crewman.



The combined attacks of the Chaos Lord and the BT resulted in the deaths of 8 Grail Knights, though the GK's Paladin took the BT's last Wound and slayed it. Though valiant, the GK's fled combat and were caught and destroyed by the Chaos Lord, who over-ran into the newly-rallied KoR1.

The Chosen Knights Strength 5 attacks caused 10 Wounds on KoR3, but all were saved! The Bretonnians countered back but could cause no Wounds on their adversaries. However, the Combat Resolution resulted in KoR3 and KoR4 winning Combat by "3"! The Chosen Knights fled a mere 8 inches and were caught and destroyed by KoR4.


(Special Note: In Round 3 alone the Bretonnians caused only 1 Wound [on the BloodThirster], but still garnished 1245 Victory Points!)







The QK's and KoR4 both turned to face the Chaos Lord in combat with KoR1.

The Green Knight charged into the right flank of the Chaos Lord.

The PK's moved up behind the Green Knight, ready to join combat next Round if needed.



The "Wolf Hunts" was cast onto KoR3, who used the added movement to charge into the right flank of KK1, and "The Hunter's Spear" was cast against CW1 and killed 5 of them. Wonder of wonders, somehow they passed their Leadership Test.



Good ol' T2 fires again and completely misses its target, thanks to the scatter dice.



The Green Knight's and KoR1's attacks against the Chaos Lord came to nothing, but the Chaos Lord directed all of his attacks at KoR1 and killed 3 of them. Losing Combat Resolution, the Chaos Lord passed his Leadership Test.

In the clash between KoR3 and KK1, only the Damsel killed an enemy - a Chaos Knight! Very difficult to believe. In any event, combat was tied.




On the Chaos right, CW2 turned to its left to face the PK's, while CW1 charged into KoR1.



The HC missed the QK's, even after it opted to re-roll its Scatter Dice.



The combat between CW1 and the Chaos Lord against KoR1 and the Green Knight resulted only in the Chaos Lord wounding the Green Knight. The Bretonnians lost that combat, though, and fled, pursued by CW1, which could not catch them.

Elsewhere, KK1 killed 3 of KoR3, who lost combat and fled, and were cut down by KK1. The destruction of KoR3 included a Damsel, which directly impacted the Bretonnian magical capability.






The fleeing KoR1 could not rally and continued to flee, and ended up within 5 inches of the table's edge.

KoR4 wheeld about and faced the left flank of the triumphant KK1.

The QK's moved to the rear of the Chaos Lord, while the PK's, finally able to add their number to the fray, charged into the right flank of CW1.



Quite luckily, the remaining damsel successfully casts (The Oxen Stands" on the fleeing KoR1, who halt their flight and immediately turn about.



T2 takes aim at CW2 and misses by a hair.



The PK's charge killed 4 of the CW1 models. The PK's won Combat Reolution and caught and destroyed CW1.

The Green Knight and the Chaos Lord caused 2 wounds each on the other, yet Combat was tied.





The Green Knight found himself charged in the rear by CW2, while KK1 turned to its left to face the advancing KoR4.






The HC unleashes a fiery blast and caused the QK's to test, and they failed, even on the re-roll, and fled a full 14 inches.



The bloodthirsty CW2, eager to send the Green Knight to his doom, suddenly realised that they did not possess any magical weapons and thus could do no harm to their etheral adversary! Fortunately for the Chaos General, the Green Knight lost combat resolution and thus his final Wound and was once again banished form the worl of the living...for the time being.







Somehow, the Green Knight was rolled back onto the table (with a "5") and placed on the edge of the woods near the HellCannon and charged into the right flank of a very surprised CW2. (This was a very good thing for the Bretonnians in terms of Victory Points, because if the Green Knight had not been on the table at Game's end the enemy would have been awarded his Points value.)

The PK's charged into the left flank of KK1.

The QK's turned 180 degrees and halted there.






This time, for once, T2 actually lands a stone right on the helm of the Chaos Lord and scores 2 Wounds, which were easily saved by the foul Chaos armour.



The Green Knight killed 2 of CW2's number but still lost Combat by 1 and suffered a Wound.

The Pegasus Knights killed 2 of KK1 and the Chaos Knights, with no models now in base contact with the PK's, were unable to strike back. KoR4 killed another KK1 Knight, but KK1 retaliated by killing 2 of KoR4's Knights. In the end, KK1 lost the Combat but passed its Test.




The Chaos Lord charged into his hated foe, the Green Knight.






The HC fired one last time this battle and scored a direct hit on the Pegasus Knights. Amazingly, only 1 PK was killed, even though the unit had been struck with 6 Strength 10 hits! The PK's then proceeded to pass the required Test and, much to the disdain of the HC, passed it!



The Chaos Lord, hoping to kill the Green Knight before the Game was up could not beat the Green Knight's saves.

In the other combat, KK1 killed 3 of KoR4's number who, in turn, killed 2 of KK1's models, and this Combat ended in a draw.


Victory Points


Chaos: 1818


Bretonnia: 2318


Results: +500 for Bretonnia = Minor Victory


*However, the above totals include only models killed, and do not include the other bonusses outlined in the 7th Edition Rule Book. For example, the Bretonians lost their General, the Duke of Quenelles, in addition to losing 3 Standards, which would have given the Chaos side about 500 more Victory Points. Likewise, the forces of Chaos lost 3 Banners, which would have awarded the Bretonnian side with a further 300 Points (not counting table quarter control). Thus, the difference, if one was to go by the Rule Book, would have been more like only +200 Victory Points for the Bretonnians, which constitutes a "Draw".


Remaining on the Table



Chaos Lord with only 2 Wounds left (CL)

2 Chaos Knights of Khorne (KK1)

10 Chaos Warriors (CW2)

HellCannon - no crew (HC)



1 Paladin Army Battle Standard Bearer (in the Questing Knight unit / QK)

1 Paladin on a Royal Pegasus (in PK unit)

1 Damsel (in KoR4)

The Green Knight with 2 Wounds left

4 Knights of the Realm (KoR1)

2 Knights of the Realm (KoR4)

12 Questing Knights with Full Command - unscathed (QK)

4 Pegasus Knights (PK)

1 Trebuchet + all crew (T2)




A Bretonnian General's comments:

Well, technically it may have been a "Draw" for me, at best only a "Minor Victory". Somehow, I feel that I did a bit better than that, but the Points don't lie.

I was quite pleased that I was able to keep the Chaos Lord busy throughout the entire game and that he was unable to cause more rampant damage.

I was also very pleased with the Green Knight - he came on when I needed him to and did not give anyting away to the enemy for free. It was also the first time that my Green Knight required 3 lives (having been killed wice in the same game!).

I was not too impressed with the Trebuchets at all really  - except for that last shot that did, well, nothing at all.

I also had really hoped to put the Questing Knights to more use - they were basically useless from Round 3 onwards, all 388 points of them plus the 114 of the Battle Standard Bearer. That's over 500 points (one-fifth) of my total army that basically just zipped around doing little.

I must note, as a parting jab at my good friend, that it was the first time I have ever heard of a Damsel killing a Chaos Knight of Khorne! Yee-haw!

Overall, it was a brutal slugfest, and lots of serious fun. Still hard to believe the Points difference was so little. Perhaps if we had gone another Round things would have been quite a bit better in my favour, but we shall never know.

I absolutely loved this huge battle.

Last Updated ( Friday, 19 January 2007 )
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