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The Peasant Tactica PDF Print E-mail
User Rating: / 48
Written by Joan of Arc   
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
Article Index
The Peasant Tactica
Units Overview
Units Overview 2
The Army

Over the last 6 month I have been playing exclusively a peasant themed Bretonnian army and have been very successful with it. I have finally taken an opportunity to put together an in depth tactica aimed at proving that peasant’s not only are a fun army to play, but also a highly competitive army. As always feel free to disagree with anything written here. Also please let me know if you see any mistakes and I will correct them. Please send me a PM, I'd love to hear from you.

This tactica will be broken up into various sections. For reference sake here are the sections I will be looking at.

1) Special Rules – Key rules used by Peasants
2) Brief overview of the units available to a Peasant themed list.
3) Successful Peasant tactics.
4) My current 2000pt Peasant list


Peasant’s duty

The peasant duty special rule is what really makes peasant units above average. If positioned correctly and supported by your characters/knights peasants become very effect units. A good general will be able to maximize the effectiveness of his peasant units by placing knights/characters within proximity of as many peasant units as possible during deployment.

Blessing of the Lady

I am of the belief that EVERY Bretonnian army needs to pray at the start of any battle. Who in their right mind would turn down a free ward save on characters, knights, damsels and battle pilgrims? Some people may argue that choosing weather or not to go first or second is giving your opponent a huge advantage, but I definitely do not think this is the case. The ironic part to me is I like to allow my opponent to go first. This gives me the chance to see what type of tactics my opponent will be applying during the game. Also this gives me the last turn, which I always find handy for rally any running peasants.

The Knights vow

Always important to remember that knights of any type ignore panic caused by peasants.

Virtue of Empathy

The virtue of empathy gets a spot here in the special rules department as it is essential to the success of any peasant army. It is very important to include at least one paladin level character with this virtue in your peasant army. I always include one paladin with empathy in any sized list. This paladin allows me to test on LD8 with all peasant units within 12” and also packs a punch in combat for the front rank of any peasant unit. It is also important during deployment to place this paladin away from the general as both models have a 12” LD range. The paladin with empathy in essence is like having second general in the peasant army.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 January 2006 )
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The Peasant Tactica Mar 10 2006 23:35
This thread discusses the Content article: The Peasant Tactica


I have read and enjoyed your tactica. I intend that my Peasants will be an important part of my army.

I notice you do not give your MaA spear. Would not two fighting ranks help offset there low weapon skill.

Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 13 2006 14:53
I must express the same doubt. In normal circumstances, that is, against WS 3 and R 3, statistically spears can do better than polearms when not in a charge. And if charging, I'd seriously consider working them to flank charge a unit in front combat with knights or else. Or fight with hand weapons to get the armour bonus. Or not?
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 13 2006 15:01
When charging I use hand weapons, I use spears if being charged now. It really differs on the player doesn't it?
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 14 2006 10:37
I used to use two men-at-arms units in tandem. A large unit with spears to take the charges and then have the smaller unit with halberds charge the enemy's flank. The spears almost always held as they start combat with +4 or 5 to combat resolution. (3 ranks, standard and often outnumbered)
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 14 2006 10:44
Very good tactic, maybe I'll use it sometime. I find that I don't use men-at-arms that often though.
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 15 2006 02:28
Yes but, why bother with spears? Armed in that way, you only get 5+ AS, which is difficult to save, and your peasants will die in numbers, risking even losing (and we all know what peasants usually do when defeated even by 1 CR..).
I use a reliquae (hand weapon-shield) to withstand the charge, and then a 16 strong unit of MaA from the left and 10 MaA from the right get the flank charge. If the enemy charges a different peasant unit, other than the reliquae, I flee.

People underestimate peasants, and that's good!
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 15 2006 02:40
I use my men@arms alwais with hand weapon and shield.
AS 4+ saved a lot of my beloved foot warriors.
I prefer to save men and get a better combat resolution instead of make some few more Attacks at WS2 and S3.
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 15 2006 04:10
Rochefort is right, but now I at least always have at least one unit of them. Hand weapons REALLY helps them though, I find they take a lot more damage.
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 15 2006 11:26
I'm usually fighting softer targets though (especially skaven) so the extra attacks can mean a bigger boost to CR than a few extra saves. It depends on the enemy. If charged by harder units the +1 to save is nice, but I find it hasn't helped as much as the strength on the harder units knocks down the save considerably anyway. A well. At least our various tactics work for each of us.
Re:The Peasant Tactica Mar 15 2006 12:00
okay, spears ARE very useful, once I saw goblins facing down dwarves with great weapons! You'd think the dwarves would win as easy as pie right? After only somehow killing two goblins, the goblins kill off two dwarves and in the CR they actually WON! Only by one point. In the second round of combat, the same thing happened: They won by one point AGAIN! Spears can be VERY useful with those extra attacks.
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